Assessment and Remediation Services

Our security assessment and remediation services identify, analyze and provide actionable recommendations that improve your exposure to risk. Our most commonly requested assessments include:

  • - Web Application Vulnerability Assessments
  • - Penetration Testing
  • - Network and Wireless Security Assessments
  • - System Configuration Assessments
Assessments are initiated with open discussion with our clients to validate the objectives of the test and to ensure the testing activities are the most efficient at achieving those goals.

Our staff are trained, experienced and certified to ensure the activities are completed in a safe, coordinated manner.

Standardized assessment delivery methodologies, including the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) and the Application Security Verification Standard, are followed to ensure the exercise's completeness.

We use leading-edge and mature technologies and tools to automate our assessment, which maximize its value while keeping costs controlled.

Every assessment we conduct includes a professionally written report which clearly articulates material issues discovered, describes root causes behind them, and outlines practical methods to address them.